Monday, 28 December 2009

Milk Snakes

No Snakes keeper would be complete without having milk snakes in their collection, These remarkable beautiful milk snakes are beautiful, hardy and popular snake. The only disadvantages of having these snakes is their slightly nervousness and their need to privacy and seclusion. This Milk snakes Simply had too many subspecies, Among them are: Pueblan, Sinaloan, Honduran, Nelson, Mexican and etc etc..

Apricot Pueblan Milk snakes
Pueblan Milk snake

I'm Breeding this above Pueblan Milksnakes for the 1st time this season, Hopefully I can get few more of this attractive pueblan.

Tangerine Honduran MilkSnake
Tri-Color honduran Milksnake
Albino Tangerine Honduran Milksnake
Albino Nelson Milksnake

I have keep few of this Milk snakes species myself. Some I keep it. Some are sold and some die of sickness. This milk snakes are commonly mistake by people of being a venomous coral snakes. Their mimicry likely to scare away a predator. A simple rhyme makes it easy to remember the order: Red on yellow kill a fellow. An alternative rhyme, yellow on red, you're are dead and red to black is your friends Jack. This rhyme method is to identify in the wild whether the milksnakes is venomous coral snake or harmless Milksnakes. So what you are waiting for? Go get yourself a milk snakes.

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