Thursday, 14 January 2010

Another Surprise

This is a surprise to me. After 0.1 reduced pattern ball finish shedding and feeding. I place my 1.0 lemon pastel in her enclosure just for fun to see whether they will lock. To my surprise, I saw locked. My reduced pattern just 1.1kg and it still underweight for breeding. Well since they had locked I might as well let it be. I know few expert ball breeder recommend not to breed your female until she reach 1.2 kg an above. well So, I did not listen, It still early and its only it 1st locked, for them to actually ovulate and lay her eggs and will take at least take few more months by then I'm sure she will weight 1.2kg above on the requirement weight to breed. I think I'm safe to say it should be alright as that reduced pattern hardly refuse food. Kinda garbage disposal.

1.0 pastel & 0.1 Reduced pattern
In Business meeting
Another locked
Close up picture

Male Pastel is just 800grams plus, I think this rainy season factor may coz my 1.0 pastel in horny mode. Wasn't plan actually to breed both pair till next November, But Since they had locked, I might as well continue breeding them. Make sure reduced pattern do not skip any meal from now on. From this pairing I believe I will get 50% pastel and 50% normal, But I'm hoping for some reduced Pattern Pastel. That will Be so cool. Something like Zebra pastel. Pastel Pastel Pastel. Anyone want local Captive breed Pastel?
In the same time I paired my Albino X Normal again. Its their 8th locked so far. Will still paired them till normal female stop accepting Albino little thingy.

1.0 Albino & 0.1 Normal
Close up pics

Well! What can i say. If everything goes well. An local Captive breed ball python will be available soon in Brunei. So you guy do not have to buy any more expensive ball python from overseas. In Brunei, Someone can Breed them too. So just wait. It will become affordable.

Anery/Black Corn

Just a sneak preview Pictures of my colubridae Breeding Project Season 09/10. Anery laying her eggs today on 14th Jan 2010.. Stay tune and read my next upcoming post of the upcoming eggs counts. What I know it a lot of eggs.

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