Tuesday, 17 January 2012

More Surprise Konon

Another Surprise konon for January. What I'm up too? Biasa saja. As for my reptiles. Breeding had been good for January, All the corn that I breed had all laid eggs. Milksnakes this season. No luck, all Pueblan eggs end up being infertile.

Motley and Ghost Eggs
Anery No:1 Eggs
Amel Stripped, Anery no:2 and Snow eggs

One Ball Python laid an early clutch this year. laid 5 in total but 2 are slug which i throw away.

Ball python eggs

Leopard geckos hatched early this months. Got 1 more still cooking n one egg infertile.

Two SHTCT babies Leopard Geckos

My pinstripe that hatched last few months are getting slightly bigger now. Its shed 3 times so far. From the feeding response I can say. she is one greedy Ball python. Cant wait for her to grow and one day breed her with one of my male BP.

Pinstripe at 189gram

All those Corn and Ball Python eggs are expected to hatch end of February or early March. So please be patient and don't ask how much I'm selling those babies. Wait till it hatch and feeding stably then I tell you. As for now. I'm not physic so I don't know what morph will come out. Its ratio percentage. So that ratio are not always correct.

Recently, I been thinking to add few more species in the collection, Dont know la. Its the crazy of animal keeping lah. Im thinking to keep some eagle and owl. But then some Raptors are protected In Brunei. So wait n see la.

Chinese New year is coming. Is the year of the Dragon. So for all the Chinese People that Celebrate Chinese New Year. I say Advance Gong Xi Fa Cai and Suprise Konon!!!!

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