Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Tonight's Menu

Its feeding time again. Variety of food should satisfy my pet Snakes hunger, In a way, it a good thing to have few variety of food available to feed your pet Snakes, I just purchased those dwarf today from one of the blogger here. Thank you man. If you know who you are...Lol Cheap oh.

Dwarf Hamster

Sorry for all rodents lovers, All snakes are strict carnivores, which means they will only eat, and can only digest, animal flesh. There are no snakes which eat fruit, vegetables or other plant material. Will explain below why..

Reduced Pattern Ball

Het Ivory Ball

Mojave Ball

Butter Ball

Albino Ball

In the Stomach


Mojave eating Dwarf this wks



I can’t recommend a vegetarian snake because there is no such animal. They just do not exist.

Snakes, like cats and like dogs are obligated carnivores. In other words in order to live they must eat meat. Cats and dogs have their meat processed into more user friendly commercial chunks but it is still meat. A snakes knows instinctively it isn’t meant to eat vegetables and won’t.

If you want an animal that eats vegetables a snake is NOT the pet for you. There are several lizards that would be more appropriate and if you still want a snake but are unable to bring yourself to throw a living animal in with it then your only option is pre-killed or frozen/thawed, Either way you will be feeding the snake meat and not vegetables.

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