Monday, 2 November 2009

Colurbrids Breeding Project 09/10- Milk Snakes-Snakes Love

So I was checking how my Milk snakes doing tonight, Since Male Pueblan just finish shedding, I feed both male and female and pair them together. With luck I'm hoping them to mate. Oh my, there don't disappointed me.

Apricot Pueblan & Pueblan Milk Snakes

I Think I saw something

Is that A lock

Sure look lock to me

Confirm Lock?

So so excited in this pairing, It my first ever milk snakes breeding. One time mating doesn't guarantee I will have eggs. I will want to make sure they keep mating by separating male from the female and feed the female heavily to ensure that she has the proper resources to develop strong and healthy eggs and provide sufficient nutrition to the developing embryos where as Male will be separate for resting for two or three days then introduce to the female again. Will keep this routine till I saw female show sign of gravid. Season so far being bit slow, Corn Still haven't mate yet. As all the corn male breeder in shedding mode. End of day, If Corn Still not showing sigh wanting to mate, At least from above pairing I have something to look into for forth coming month.

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