Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Texas Rat Snakes

One of my own few collection, The Leucistic Texas Rat snakes. Been keeping him for almost 3 years now. Actually, few hobbyist work with normal Texas Rat snake because an normal Texas Rat Snakes is not attractive snake where as the leucistic morph is a beautiful creature. Texas Rat Snakes is slightly aggressive and in fact I got bitten couple of time, but it was nothing with just a small scratch. I don't know any other Rat snakes that so readily bites or non which strikes so many times in rapid succession like this Texas Rat snakes

Leucistic Black-eye Texas Rat snake

Beautiful Snakes

Voracious Appetite Snake

Solid, Unpatterned white with Black eyes

Defensive Pose

The Texas Rat Snake (Elaphe obsoleta lindheimeri) is a species of rat snakes a non-venomous colubrids found in the United State, primarily within the state of Texas, but its range also extends into Louisiana, Arkansas and Oklahoma. It intergrades with other subspecies of Elaphe obsoleta, so exact range boundaries are impossible to distinguish.(Source: Wikepedia)

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