Wow This reptiles business is so huge and popular in the States. Hopefully, I myself one day can do like what they do there. But firstly, How to convince all those idiot that not all snakes are venomous? Any idea? Before I bang their head to the wall. You trying to educate them repeatedly yet they have their own theory from the oldies that all snakes venom will come out in the night or we have snakes control power or we pull their fang out or what ever theory they have. "Makan Tahi sapi lah" Search online, read book 1st before committing all those nonsense theory. We live in the era of internet now, Not the era of Kublai Khan.
Monday, 30 November 2009
Open House - Take a tour! Look inside....
Let see. I found this cool video from youtube. From Garrick Demeyer.
Wow This reptiles business is so huge and popular in the States. Hopefully, I myself one day can do like what they do there. But firstly, How to convince all those idiot that not all snakes are venomous? Any idea? Before I bang their head to the wall. You trying to educate them repeatedly yet they have their own theory from the oldies that all snakes venom will come out in the night or we have snakes control power or we pull their fang out or what ever theory they have. "Makan Tahi sapi lah" Search online, read book 1st before committing all those nonsense theory. We live in the era of internet now, Not the era of Kublai Khan.
Wow This reptiles business is so huge and popular in the States. Hopefully, I myself one day can do like what they do there. But firstly, How to convince all those idiot that not all snakes are venomous? Any idea? Before I bang their head to the wall. You trying to educate them repeatedly yet they have their own theory from the oldies that all snakes venom will come out in the night or we have snakes control power or we pull their fang out or what ever theory they have. "Makan Tahi sapi lah" Search online, read book 1st before committing all those nonsense theory. We live in the era of internet now, Not the era of Kublai Khan.
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Beardie update
So I wasn't expecting this. I check my beardie, I found what I'm not suppose to found. I'm not saying I'm excited about it. They are something which is not right here.
'Red gold & Sunburst dragon
So I found my beardie laid some eggs, Total of 23 eggs, I wont say Im exicted about it, Some how it just look infertile, fertile eggs should look white where as infertile eggs is yellowish and all those eggs are yellowish. I never seen them mate yet and but I'm sure it was to soon for her to laid her eggs since she just come out of brumation month ago. Anyways I place all the eggs in container with perlite to incubate the eggs. Will see all those eggs turn yellowish or maintain it color in this few days, if it turn bad, meaning have to throw it away because it was infertile.
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Anyone Subscribed?
Reptiles magazine that I subscribed arrive early this month. December and January 2010 issue. December Issue mostly on Iguana and bearded dragon and fat tailed gecko guide.
January 2010 issue
January issue on Malaysian Horned frog and so on and if you want find more, subscribe then. So anyone had subscribed it yet? I know one person did subscribed. You do not want to miss any issue of the worlds leading reptile magazine when you are into reptiles keeping do you?
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Who doesn't love rain?
Ball Python Albino and Normal mated for the second time today. It was raining heavily today. Just as I expected, Ball python will start to mate again on raining day. It doesn't take long on the courting, merely less than 30 min they start locking when I introduce again. Their last mating 4 days ago was also on raining day and they locked for more than 24 hr. when they done from their last locked, I separate both male and female and feed both. Albino feed on smaller meal and normal feed on bigger meal.
I know I been posting their pictures quite a lot. who cares and who doesn't when u able to breed them after few years of snake keeping and raising them. I wanted both to mate as many time as possible until female show sign of gravid.
I know I been posting their pictures quite a lot. who cares and who doesn't when u able to breed them after few years of snake keeping and raising them. I wanted both to mate as many time as possible until female show sign of gravid.
Saturday, 14 November 2009
Another Arachnids Update
Arachnids, Love it or hate it. I knew some peoples are afraid of Spider(Arachnophobia). For me it was just another animal that to be keep as pet. All my tarantula was purchased from Edpets. Mexican Red Knee purchased in July, Salmon Pink Birdeater the next month after that and Chilean Rose Hair just two days ago.
Still 10 cent size
The Asian Forest scorpion that I produce last September, they are slightly bigger now, I keep 6 heads for myself.
Asian Forest Scorpion
Bigger then 10 cent now
The Asian Forest scorpion that I produce last September, they are slightly bigger now, I keep 6 heads for myself.
I cant get enough of this Tarantula, been thinking to get some more Tarantula species especially those Mexican Species and maybe one of largest scorpion in the world. The "Emperor Scorpion". will see whether will buy or not as Morph Ball Python still had stronger poison toward my addiction.
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Weighing days and some love
Almost end of the year now. Ball python season had start, although this ball is not ready for breeding yet, its the plan for next year 2010 when all of them are fully adult. So a quick updates of my ball weight that didn't make it for this year. I took seven Ball python that look ready for next year for weighing.
Female Bumble Bee 784 gram
Normal female & Male Albino
Female Butter and male Mojave are slow eater, NEVER except larger meal and finally the long awaited moments, U might have read about them from my previous post last September. Want to read it again click here. Didn't weight this pair coz their are very busy.
The above pairing have ease my minds. Been worried since last week coz that albino male had lock with my male het Ivory. Now I know that locked was a gay lock. So it confirm now the the albino is indeed male. I'm hoping to have 100% Het albino from this pairing. They have been lock since last night and yet tonight that male still going strong, I still see lock tonight. After male albino finish doing locking. I will try to feed both pair although I believe male wont want to eat but it worth a try where as female will probably eat and I need to make sure that female to feed more for her to produces me a beautiful and healthy clutch..
Sunday, 8 November 2009
To all wannabe reticulated python keeper.
Reticulated python keeping is not for any beginner 1st time snake keeper. Reticulated python is categorized under Giant Snakes. They do have bad tempered and are renowned for it aggressive nature. Retics will become huge when they are fully grown start off as pretty small hatchlings, what may eventually grow to a length of up to 30feet, and weight more than a man, start life small enough to fit in your hand.
Do you want this happen to you?
You should only consider owning one of these snakes if you had lots of experience with smaller species, have a lots of money to spend on a big vivarium and can give a guaranteed commitment for year to come. I'm not discouraged anyone not keeping this giant python, a one or two days research is not the way and how you carry researched and understand on this python.
So whoever email me or ask me to give them a wild caught reticulated. Decision is your, Never blamed me if any of your families member missing if she decide to go for bigger meal or any of your domestics pet.
You should only consider owning one of these snakes if you had lots of experience with smaller species, have a lots of money to spend on a big vivarium and can give a guaranteed commitment for year to come. I'm not discouraged anyone not keeping this giant python, a one or two days research is not the way and how you carry researched and understand on this python.
So whoever email me or ask me to give them a wild caught reticulated. Decision is your, Never blamed me if any of your families member missing if she decide to go for bigger meal or any of your domestics pet.
Saturday, 7 November 2009
Second wife
It's been a while since I last update on my glider. My glider now have new member, Bill's latest Second wife, So now i got three glider, one male n two female which I got her from a trade with member of blogs (Brandon), We agreed to swap our glider, She took my Baby glider and I took his Semi-Adult Glider. I Name Her Emily. Some how she just look so EMILY, for those reason she got her name, Never ask me why Emily. Emily has darker fur where as Bill & Sara fur is slightly lighter.
Emily still an semi adult glider, She not ready for breeding yet even some might say that she is ready, why hurry? I did try somehow pairing her with Bill for a short time to see how it goes but Emily never seem interested to mate and so do Bill with her, Bill favorite still Sara, Maybe I will wait till January and pair them up again. So anyone interested in my future baby glider, make sure keep reading my blog. You never know I might have new baby soon then expected.
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
Confused Snakes-male X male
My original plan was to breed my male albino ball python with a normal female ball python, Been putting them together and trying to get them mate since last October with no luck, So I decide to put my het ivory Male to their cage and perhaps maybe that het ivory male will start combating with the albino for the right of breeding with the larger female, But no combat happen by both albino and het ivory. This what i found in the morning
Male X Male
Now I'm so so confused, I really thought that Albino is male, so does few friends when we recheck it sex few months back. Its a Gay love maybe? I don't know man. Is not the way i wanted it to be even my albino turn out to be female, I got few male morph ball waiting in line for that albino if it was female. I do read somehow an article that male n male do lock sometimes, lol not only it happen in human(Brandon & Jordan)hahaha. Rupa nya snakes too...hahahaha
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Texas Rat Snakes
One of my own few collection, The Leucistic Texas Rat snakes. Been keeping him for almost 3 years now. Actually, few hobbyist work with normal Texas Rat snake because an normal Texas Rat Snakes is not attractive snake where as the leucistic morph is a beautiful creature. Texas Rat Snakes is slightly aggressive and in fact I got bitten couple of time, but it was nothing with just a small scratch. I don't know any other Rat snakes that so readily bites or non which strikes so many times in rapid succession like this Texas Rat snakes
Defensive Pose
The Texas Rat Snake (Elaphe obsoleta lindheimeri) is a species of rat snakes a non-venomous colubrids found in the United State, primarily within the state of Texas, but its range also extends into Louisiana, Arkansas and Oklahoma. It intergrades with other subspecies of Elaphe obsoleta, so exact range boundaries are impossible to distinguish.(Source: Wikepedia)
Monday, 2 November 2009
Colurbrids Breeding Project 09/10- Milk Snakes-Snakes Love
So I was checking how my Milk snakes doing tonight, Since Male Pueblan just finish shedding, I feed both male and female and pair them together. With luck I'm hoping them to mate. Oh my, there don't disappointed me.
So so excited in this pairing, It my first ever milk snakes breeding. One time mating doesn't guarantee I will have eggs. I will want to make sure they keep mating by separating male from the female and feed the female heavily to ensure that she has the proper resources to develop strong and healthy eggs and provide sufficient nutrition to the developing embryos where as Male will be separate for resting for two or three days then introduce to the female again. Will keep this routine till I saw female show sign of gravid. Season so far being bit slow, Corn Still haven't mate yet. As all the corn male breeder in shedding mode. End of day, If Corn Still not showing sigh wanting to mate, At least from above pairing I have something to look into for forth coming month.
Apricot Pueblan & Pueblan Milk Snakes
I Think I saw something
So so excited in this pairing, It my first ever milk snakes breeding. One time mating doesn't guarantee I will have eggs. I will want to make sure they keep mating by separating male from the female and feed the female heavily to ensure that she has the proper resources to develop strong and healthy eggs and provide sufficient nutrition to the developing embryos where as Male will be separate for resting for two or three days then introduce to the female again. Will keep this routine till I saw female show sign of gravid. Season so far being bit slow, Corn Still haven't mate yet. As all the corn male breeder in shedding mode. End of day, If Corn Still not showing sigh wanting to mate, At least from above pairing I have something to look into for forth coming month.
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